oh man maybe a year? on and off but more so now than before because of things I need to get done, but it's extremely rewarding so far and I definitely have more of a plan of attack to getting where I wanna get with animation! I'm sure you're in the same boat though lol I liked those shorts you've made so far though hehe, keep in touch mate~
hehe tight that's basically what i've been doin, so i'm glad! how long have you been drawing and stuff? (just assuming since you're talking about making animations and stuff)
Well, I'm mainly a voice actor and I wanted to make my own content to voice in (I've been doing that for about a year, with much more physical acting experience). I always liked to draw and stuff, but animation seemed really our of reach for me. Then one day I decided, why not give it a try!? This was maybe six months ago. Drawing with a tablet is still super new for me, so I have to learn how to draw everything almost from scratch. I love it though, it helps me make ideas for videos that would require much larger budgets than I could afford if I was to do them live-action. But yeah, super new. What about you? How long have you been doing it? :D.