So I recently started doing more traditional work on paper. I don't have a great scanner at the moment, so I haven't posted them up. They're a great deal more appealing than some of the crap I've posted here, since my Digital work is pretty weak. Working on several more cartoons too. Very early stages since I shuffle aound a lot with what idea to sink effort into first, also I've been very busy with a day job at the moment, so I have very little spare time with upcoming convention prep to do. Once work calms down and the upcoming con is over, it's back to setting aside full days of cartoon work. I really have missed it and I'm keen to get more done. Including some improv toons, some of my shitty scripted jokes and one that wa soriginally going o be live action, but would still work as a cartoon.
Also, I'm going back to university! I'm going to enrol in the animation course there to maybe help me clean up my stuff and see if it helps me!